The Oil Technologists' Association of India (OTAI) was founded in 1943 and later registered in year 1945 under the Societies Registration Act. The Association has its Head Quarter at HBTI, Kanpur and have five zones viz. Central, Eastern, Northern, Southern and Western Zones having respective zonal offices at Kanpur, Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai to co-ordinate national and international activities.
The OTAI is an organization comprising of eminent Technologists, Academia, Researchers, Scientists, Analytical service providers, Industrialists, Plant and Technology suppliers, Policy makers and students. OTAI is continuously engaged in dissipation of relevant technical knowledge, knowhow, latest products, processes and technology since its inception by organizing symposia, workshops, refresher courses, popular lectures, short courses, industrial trainings, exhibitions, etc. OTAI is also working on various fronts to safeguard the interest of the consumers by continuous education and guidance.
The Association publishes a quarterly scientific journal, "Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (JLST)" of international repute for almost last seven decades. The OTAI has been recognized by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, as a scientific and research organization devoted for promotion of R & D activities in the area of Oils, Fats and Allied Products.
OTAI is a member of important Government Committees, which make standards and policies related to the products in the above-mentioned field and is also well represented on relevant national Committees such as Development Council for Soaps and Detergents, Bureau of India Standards, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, etc. OTAI is closely associated with National & International organizations working in the field of Oils, Fats, Oleo- chemicals and Allied products such as CSIR, ICAR, IVPA, SEA in India and AOCS, JOCS, PORIM, MPOC, etc, globally. OTAI regularly interact and participate in the activities of the other international organizations and promote their annual conventions and workshops, in turn they also promote OTAI activities globally.
Further at the time of Annual Convention association, outstanding contributions of fellow member scientists and technologists are recognized by giving prestigious annual awards instituted by the association.
Over the years, OTAI has been led by various top industry leaders and acclaimed academicians and researchers. The eight decades of fruitful achievements of OTAI has been due to dedicated efforts put by the all office bearers and active participation & support by the OTAI members.
Western Zone of OTAI is the largest and most active zone of the association and have pioneered several national and international activities, notably International Soaps and Detergent Conferences (ISDC), Fats and Oils International Conference (FOIC) and many more. FOIC a biannual conference series, launched in 2019, remained a highly successful platform to showcase latest innovations in the processing of vegetable oils and allied products and have now turned into a business conference.
OTAI wishes FOIC 2025 organized by the Western Zone a great success.
Dr. Rajeev Churi
National President, OTAI